
Kayıt Listesi

2 Lauf Saar Racing Series (SRS)

Sonuşlar 1 - 13 İtibaren 13
# Anahtar Soyad Ad Külüp Ülke Ödendi I
Sınıf: SRS-1/12 GT
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: 35 (global limit on the event)
1 1019476 Ott Lucas MAC Siersburg e.V. / SMI Siegen DE
2 1020134 Doerre Jonah Modelfreunde Rheinhessen/Pfalz e.V DE
3 1020136 Doerre Andreas Modelfreunde Rheinhessen/Pfalz e.V DE
Sınıf: SRS-17.5 TW
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: 35 (global limit on the event)
1 1019472 Ott Sascha MAC Siersburg e.V. / SMI Siegen DE
2 1020170 Schwartz Michael MAC Siersburg DE  
3 1027058 Hertel Jürgen Mac-Hütschenhausen DE  
4 1028625 Hemmer Julian AMC Saarbrücken e.V. DE  
Sınıf: SRS-F1
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: 35 (global limit on the event)
1 1020426 Deutschmann Frank   DE  
2 1027123 Arendt Steve MAC Siersburg e.V. LU  
3 1028529 Fuchs Denis MAC Siersburg/ SMI Siegen DE  
Sınıf: SRS-M-Chassi Porsche GT2
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: 35 (global limit on the event)
1 1019783 Arendt Steve LMCC LU  
2 1027594 Schitzo .. MAC-SIERSBURG e.V. DE  
3 1027973 Lischer Karlheinz MAC- Hütschenhausen e.V. DE  

Hesaba Giriş

to the MyRCM customer zone

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