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2.4h Teamrennen 2024

Results 1 - 12 from 12
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: Teamrennen 2024
Number of participants: 12
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1183460 Huber Andreas EFAC Hohenems AT  
2 1184705 Tschabrun Lukas EFAC Hohenems AT  
3 1184848 Rümmele Guntram EFAC Hohenems AT  
4 1185144 Feurle Pacheco Diaz Anton EFAC AT  
5 1185145 Feurle Pacheco Diaz Andre EFAC AT  
6 1185170 Pfeifer Wolfgang EFAC - Hohenems AT  
7 1186003 Kaufmann Noah EFAC-Hohenems AT  
8 1186048 Weiskopf Ralph EFAC Hohenems AT  
9 1186125 Horváth Imrich RC Comorra sk SK  
10 1186307 Schiltknecht Stefan EFAC AT  
11 1193120 Schneider Sebastian EFAC Hohenems AT  
12 1193137 Frontull Anton   AT  

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