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4 Lauf Saar Racing Series (Finale)

Results 1 - 30 from 30
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: SRS-1/12 EB (EB)
Number of participants: 1
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1083168 Stenger Thomas Mac-Hütschenhausen DE
Section: SRS-1/12 GT (EGT
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1082734 Ott Lucas MAC Siersburg e.V. / SMI Siegen DE
2 1086379 Lischer Karlheinz MAC- Hütschenhausen e.V. DE
3 1086526 Barth Oliver MAC Siersburg DE
4 1090792 Schuck Nicolas macSiersburg DE
Section: SRS-17.5 TW (EGTWHO)
Number of participants: 7
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1082758 Libar Jacques LMCC/Team SMI Siegen LU
2 1082859 Schaal Eric RCCM LU
3 1082860 Schaal Meggy RCCM LU
4 1082993 Kaufmann Oliver MAC-Meckenheim DE
5 1083139 Gabriel do Pinhal Carlos   LU
6 1083157 Beltrallo Patrick Tonisport LU
7 1094203 Moritz Karl-Heinz   DE
Section: SRS-F1 (EGF1)
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1084695 Jovicic Luka LMCC LU
2 1089567 Rahn Marc MAC Hütschenhausen / MAC Siersburg DE
3 1092906 Rahn Frank MAC Hütschenhausen DE
4 1094303 Scherf Sven MAC Siersburg e.V. DE
Section: SRS-Fronti (EGTWFR)
Number of participants: 6
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1082756 Libar Jacques LMCC/Team SMI Siegen LU
2 1083608 Schramm Manfred MAC Siersburg DE
3 1088307 Libar Raymond LMCC / SMI Siegen LU
4 1089290 Fuchs Denis MAC Siersburg DE
5 1092971 Buchner Holger TC-Heuchelheim DE
6 1093821 Scherf Sven MAC Siersburg e.V. DE
Section: SRS-M-Chassi Porsche GT2
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1082750 Arendt Mike   LU
2 1091614 Stenger Thomas Mac-Hütschenhausen DE  
3 1092509 Beltrallo Patrick Tonisport LU
Section: SRS-Rookies
Number of participants: 5
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1082752 Arendt Dean   LU
2 1082814 Deubel Eric   DE
3 1090793 Schuck Theo macSiersburg DE
4 1091310 Schuck Karl   DE
5 1093587 Ritzmann Martin   DE

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