
Subscription list

2. Lauf Vereinsmeisterschaft Lamac 2024

Výsledky 1 - 15 z 15
# Klíc Príjmení Jméno Klub Zeme Paid I
Klasse: TW Stock 1:10 Turn 13,5
Number of participants: 5
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1167746 Pucher Daniel LAMAC St. Paul im Lavanttal AT  
2 1167888 Plösch Bernhard LAMAC St. Paul/Lav. AT  
3 1167890 Tobias Hinteregger Lamac St.Paul AT    
4 1170880 Kocmut Matija   SI  
5 1170881 Kocmut Peter   SI  
Klasse: VF-1:8
Number of participants: 10
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1167270 mihelic nejc   SI  
2 1167318 Pucher Helmut Lamac AT    
3 1167330 Vignjevic Goran LAMAC SI  
4 1167959 Stückler Gerald Lamac AT  
5 1168046 Scheibner Roman LAMAC AT  
6 1170092 Himler Harald   AT  
7 1170847 Wölfl Michael Lamac St. Paul in Lavanttal AT  
8 1170968 Pucher Herfried Lamac AT  
9 1171129 Riegler Roland Lamac St. Paul AT  
10 1171134 Kemperle Tine LAMAC SI  


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