
Kayıt Listesi

ToniSport Onroad Series Nord Braunschweig (Wegen Regen abgesagt !)

Sonuşlar 1 - 18 İtibaren 18
# Anahtar Soyad Ad Külüp Ülke Ödendi I
Sınıf: FUN 21.5T
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: 80 (global limit on the event)
1 1197274 Selter Tino   DE    
2 1197738 Gross Klaus   DE    
3 1198419 Borchers Joachim MSC Polizei Braunschweig DE  
Sınıf: TOS F1 [EGF1]
Number of participants: 1
Maximum participants in this class: 80 (global limit on the event)
1 1193944 Schnelle Patrick MSC Polizei Braunschweig DE  
Sınıf: TOS FUN 21.5T [EGTWFUN]
Number of participants: 9
Maximum participants in this class: 80 (global limit on the event)
1 1188278 Hein Klaus MSC Braunschweig DE  
2 1195854 Giannakopoulos Dimitrios MSC Polizei BS DE  
3 1195966 Kuhfuß Daniel MSC Polizei Braunschweig DE  
4 1196107 Schostak Stephan MSC-Polizei Braunschweig e.V. DE  
5 1196235 Mörig Andreas MSC Braunschweig DE  
6 1197024 Hotze Kai MSC Polizei, Braunschweig DE  
7 1197974 Ratheisky Emely   DE  
8 1197979 Ratheisky Svantje   DE  
9 1198075 Ratheisky Marlon   DE  
Sınıf: TOS Fun 17.5 [EGTWHO]
Number of participants: 2
Maximum participants in this class: 80 (global limit on the event)
1 1187013 Sparbier Kevin RCCT Münden DE  
2 1197570 Spiewok Florian MSC Pol Braunschweig DE  
Sınıf: TOS FWD 17.5 [EGTWFR]
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: 80 (global limit on the event)
1 1187012 Sparbier Kevin RCCT Münden DE  
2 1195863 Weidemann Marko MSC Polizei Braunschweig eV DE  
3 1197641 Kupsch Markus Dänischer Wohld DE  

Hesaba Giriş

to the MyRCM customer zone

Şifrenizi hatırlamıyormusunuz??