
Subscription list

Coupe Tamiya TT-02 RC Club Riviera

Results 1 - 15 from 15
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: Coupe Tamiya TT-02
Number of participants: 15
Maximum participants in this class: 24 (global limit on the event)
1 1156061 Baudet Eloan   CH    
2 1156672 Murillo Lucas   CH  
3 1172755 Moret Eric   CH  
4 1172857 Jolly Robin   CH  
5 1172861 Jolly Théo   CH  
6 1172868 Jeanneret Loïc   CH    
7 1175176 JOYE Steve   CH  
8 1175633 Favez Soni ORCM CH  
9 1175634 Favez Gaël ORCM CH  
10 1178959 Stäger Didier   CH  
11 1183292 chantry renaud MBLR CH  
12 1183732 Rickenbacher Quentin   CH    
13 1184127 Laurent Samuel   CH  
14 1184665 Evard Gilles   CH  
15 1184668 Blackwell Marc   CH    

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