
Subscription list

3. Clubrennen 2024

Results 1 - 21 from 21
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: Clubrennen EGTWSP (TW Sport)
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1163881 Schiller Peter RCSF DE  
2 1184222 Balu Stedtler   DE  
3 1184261 Wegmann Thomas RCSF-Singen e.V. DE  
Section: Clubrennen ORE2WD (Buggy 2WD)
Number of participants: 2
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1163880 Schiller Peter RCSF DE  
2 1183948 Käser Roger   CH  
Section: Clubrennen ORE4WD (Buggy 4WD)
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1182745 Amstutz Marcel   CH  
2 1183945 Müller Wolfgang RCSF-Singen DE  
3 1184260 Wegmann Thomas RCSF-Singen e.V. DE  
Section: Clubrennnen ORETR2 (Monster 2WD)
Number of participants: 5
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1168964 Schiller Peter RCSF DE  
2 1182747 Amstutz Marcel   CH  
3 1183947 Müller Wolfgang RCSF-Singen DE  
4 1183949 Käser Roger   CH  
5 1184554 Schönhammer Peter RCSF-Singen e.V. DE  
Section: Clubrennen EGTFR (TW Fronti)
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1182748 Amstutz Marcel   CH  
2 1183770 Kienle Steffen RCSF-Singen DE  
3 1183950 Käser Roger   CH  
4 1184666 Keller Björn Mcc-Konstanz DE  
Section: Clubrennen RCSF-Cup
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1182749 Amstutz Marcel   CH  
2 1183951 Käser Roger   CH  
3 1184236 Balu Stedtler   DE  
4 1184553 Schönhammer Peter RCSF-Singen e.V. DE  

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