
Waiting list

Gp Mon-Tech

Results 1 - 5 from 5
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: GT
Number of participants: 1
Maximum participants in this class: 0 (only waiting list)
1 1200845 Carapacchi Alessio   IT  
Section: Formula 1 Foam
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: 0 (only waiting list)
1 1196589 Maldini Gianluca   IT  
2 1197523 Angelini Emanuele   IT  
3 1201839 Lorenzini Mattia   IT  
Section: Truck
Number of participants: 1
Maximum participants in this class: 0 (only waiting list)
1 1200862 Nanni Danilo   IT  

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