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RCCZ - 2024 : (Open) Clubwedstrijd 1:10 - 3 van 4

Results 1 - 17 from 17
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: 1:10 Tamiya Fighter
Number of participants: 5
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1185381 Koolmees Mario RC-Speedhouse NL  
2 1185974 van Langevelde Frans RCCZ NL  
3 1186255 Lankers Dennis   NL  
4 1186437 Kreijkes Richard Rcc-Zoetermeer NL  
5 1186493 van der Vaart Willem RCCZ NL  
Section: 1:10 2WD Offroad Electro
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1185645 schatsbergen jim MAC vlijmen NL  
2 1185976 van Langevelde Frans RCCZ NL  
3 1186254 Lankers Dennis   NL  
4 1186501 Vos Jenno   NL  
Section: 1:10 4WD Offroad Electro
Number of participants: 8
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1185380 Koolmees Mario RC-Speedhouse NL  
2 1185407 Molenkamp Eelco RCC-Zoetermeer NL  
3 1185646 schatsbergen jim MAC vlijmen NL  
4 1186262 de Roos Mario RCCZ NL  
5 1186276 Timmer-van Gaalen Coen RCC Zoetermeer NL  
6 1186299 Reurings Erik   NL  
7 1186385 Asselen Marcel rcx-zoetermeer NL  
8 1186438 Kreijkes Richard Rcc-Zoetermeer NL  

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