
Lista de Inscritos

Löwen-Master-Cup Lauf 6

Resultados 1 - 17 desde 17
# Clave Apellido Nombre Club País Pagado I
Sección: 1:12 Pancar EA/EB/GT
Number of participants: 1
Maximum participants in this class: 60 (global limit on the event)
1 1104326 Aron Siebert   DE    
Sección: Löwen-Master-Cup 17.5T Hobby
Number of participants: 2
Maximum participants in this class: 60 (global limit on the event)
1 1100410 Schostak Stephan MSC-Polizei Braunschweig e.V. DE  
2 1106245 Meyer Manuel MRC Sondershausen DE  
Sección: Löwen-Master-Cup 21.5T FUN Cup
Number of participants: 7
Maximum participants in this class: 60 (global limit on the event)
1 1100585 Borchers Joachim   DE  
2 1105107 Gross Klaus   DE    
3 1106063 Deich Torsten   DE  
4 1106105 Mörig Andreas MSC Braunschweig DE  
5 1106316 Selter Tino   DE  
6 1106671 Thorhauer Ivo   DE  
7 1107392 Giannakopoulos Dimitrios   DE  
Sección: Löwen-Master-Cup FWD 17.5T
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: 60 (global limit on the event)
1 1100411 Schostak Stephan MSC-Polizei Braunschweig e.V. DE  
2 1105225 Rogge Steven   DE  
3 1105962 Ahrens Christian MSC Braunschweig DE  
Sección: Löwen-Master-Cup Clubman
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: 60 (global limit on the event)
1 1106672 Thorhauer Ivo   DE  
2 1106988 Boomgaarden Stefan   DE  
3 1106989 Boomgaarden Luis   DE  
4 1107093 Ahrens Christian MSC Braunschweig DE  


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