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Training Indoor Racing Senden Saison 21/22

Results 1 - 18 from 18
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: Trainingsklasse
Number of participants: 18
Maximum participants in this class: 20 (global limit on the event)
1 928385 Follen Mike MCC Fellbach DE  
2 929067 Römling Rüdiger IGR Racing Team Runkel DE  
3 929068 Stefan Michael IGR Racing Team Runkel DE  
4 929401 Reule Sven   DE  
5 929404 Waldenmaier Dominik MCC Böhringen DE  
6 929430 Schneider Tim VRT Reutlingen DE  
7 929440 Weber Johannes RC-MSC Greuthof e.V. DE  
8 929449 Gehrling Timm MCC Fellbach DE  
9 929462 Klinkmüller Timo   DE  
10 930280 Mierke Michael   DE    
11 930403 Dietrich Manuel RCMSC Greuthof DE    
12 930479 Jukic Igor   DE  
13 930480 Loscalzo Vito   DE  
14 930659 Michailidis Minas MCC-Türkheim e.V. DE  
15 930744 Henningsen Jens MRC München DE  
16 930753 Knott Jürgen MSC Karlsfeld DE  
17 930799 Hart Robert MRC München e.V DE  
18 931055 Greiner Dominic MCC-Türkheim DE  

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