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Training Indoor Racing Senden Saison 21/22

Results 1 - 8 from 8
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: Trainingsklasse
Number of participants: 8
Maximum participants in this class: 20 (global limit on the event)
1 927283 Hellmers Tobias   DE  
2 927284 Hänschen Chris Mbv Dettingen/Erms DE  
3 929001 Korak Thomas x DE  
4 929223 Rauche Oliver MCC Tuerkheim DE  
5 929447 Schneider Tobias   DE    
6 929535 Casati Sebastian   DE    
7 929599 Mierke Michael   DE    
8 929601 Drexel Markus   DE  

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