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5. utrka za PH 2024. 1:10 elektro

Results 1 - 9 from 9
# Key Last Name First Name Club Country Paid I
Section: Carten Cup
Number of participants: 3
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1198930 Krcelic Tomislav Modelsport HR    
2 1199866 Selman Noa   HR  
3 1201220 Merkas Drazen   HR    
Section: Elektro 1:10
Number of participants: 6
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1198945 Škorić Fran Ivan   HR  
2 1199861 Selman Željko Modelsport HR  
3 1199864 Selman Noa   HR  
4 1201506 Operta Mario   HR    
5 1201631 Cindric Damir   HR    
6 1202222 Puljić Johnny   HR    

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