
Kayıt Listesi

Clubrace 3

Sonuşlar 1 - 17 İtibaren 17
# Anahtar Soyad Ad Külüp Ülke Ödendi I
Sınıf: Buggy 2WD
Number of participants: 5
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1038394 Claes Danny   BE  
2 1047235 Van Eynde Dave H.O.R. BE  
3 1056794 Opdebeeck Senne   BE  
4 1060615 Leboy Maarten hor BE  
5 1061691 Debusscher Tom rc@cz BE  
Sınıf: Byggy 4WD
Number of participants: 4
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1028229 Peeters Bart HOR BE  
2 1056790 Opdebeeck Senne   BE  
3 1061230 Deutschmann Sven RC@CZ BE  
4 1061241 schatsbergen jim mbv kampenhout NL  
Sınıf: Truck
Number of participants: 8
Maximum participants in this class: no limit
1 1006514 Smolders Steven Hulshout Offroad racing BE  
2 1038395 Claes Danny   BE  
3 1048965 Van Uffel Inge   BE  
4 1052464 Lievens Michel Hulshout Offroad racing BE  
5 1056756 Vandenbemden Frank   BE  
6 1060184 Baeten Nick BadBull's RC Garden BE  
7 1060570 Celis Kris   BE  
8 1060616 Leboy Maarten hor BE  

Hesaba Giriş

to the MyRCM customer zone

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